Tips for your first class
Ride Your Own Ride!
Attention New Riders!
Aerobic Base Building - It's recommended that exercisers of all fitness levels dedicate at least a two-month period
at the beginning of each training season to work out at aerobic heart rates. Doing so builds what's called an "aerobic
base" Aerobic base building is critical for developing improvements in the heart and lungs as well as for developing
the body's ability to store and transport fuel and produce energy. Endurance training builds the body's aerobic base.
As such it comprises the largest percentage of total training time and is the foundation for all future training and
performances. Neglect this foundation and you will lack stamina for more intense training and competition. Ask me
Do's and Dont's
These simple rules will help you have a safe, effective and enjoyable
Bring a water bottle filled with at least 24 ounces of cool water, and drink it
all during your session. In addition, drink at least 8 ounces before and 8 ounces after the session. Wear breathable
clothing for maximum cooling efficiency. Wear stiff-soled shoes if possible to produce the most effective pedaling force.
Bring a towel to wipe excess sweat from your skin. Arrive 15 minutes early to learn safety and set up procedures.
Check your bike set-up with the instructor. Alert the instructor to any chronic injuries you have. Wear a heart
rate monitor to gauge exercise intensity and prevent over-training. Pace yourself during your training session.
Refrain from performing movements that take your heart rate out of your chosen training range. Relax your abdominals and
breathe deeply, in through the nose, out through the mouth. Diaphragmatic breathing is the most efficient and relaxing way
to breathe. Check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program. Relax and allow your body to move
without tension.
Skip meals during the day and then decide to ride at high intensities.
The better "fuel" you have in your "engine" the better it will run. Ride with tense muscles. Relaxing will allow
you to perform more efficiently. Worry about "keeping up with the group". We encourage riders to follow their own
fitness goals-even if it means sitting down when everyone else is standing. Ignore the instructor's attempts to
show you the correct hand positions and riding form. Performing the movements incorrectly can lead to bad habits and injury.
Ride with no resistance on the flywheel, unless it is a warm-up or cool-down portion of the ride. Check out the
article about the "Borg's Percieved Exertion" It is important for you to understand exertion levels, even if you use your
own scale of 1-10.
*No affiliations with Mad Dogg Athletics Inc, and Spinning, Spin or 24 Hour Fitness.
This is Donna Lau's Private and Personal website